Lemonade's Kitchen

Lemonade's kitchen

Contact: lemonade (My Page)
Posted on Tue, Apr 11, 06
Links to kitchen photos:


I had the idea of a trash cabinet for over a year; I drag my trash around the kitchen with me so didn't want the regular pullout. My original idea was to build a frame on rollerblade wheels and have 'trash on wheels', but it is so easy to just drag the can (probably wouldn't if I had a wood floor) that I gave up on the wheel idea. My cabinet maker thought I was nuts and pointed out he'd have to build a custom toekick onto the door. I hadn't thought of that previously--it cuts into the space a bit.

I just found your kitchen on Gardenweb and it is beautiful. Amazing. Just what I want. Congratulations! Lynn
Can you provide information on your window/door casings? I'm in the process of redoing my casings and love yours. Is the header casing wider and thithan the sides? Did you buy the small crown at the top of the windows/doors from Windsor One too? thank you for any information you can provide.

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