Step by Step - Add copyright text to your images using IrfanView

Step by Step - Add copyright text to your images using IrfanView

IrfanView (pronounced "EarfanView") is a free, light-weight photo editing program that will easily add a copyright image to your photos... even dozens at a time! It takes just a few minutes to setup.. then all your photos will be tagged with your own copyright information.


Download and install IrfanView from:
Need help installing? This website gives details about installing IrfanView:


Configure IrfanView to add watermarks. (You can skip this step if you have already configured for watermarks.)
  1. File => Batch Conversion/Rename

  2. The "Batch conversion" window should now be visible:

  3. Check "Use advanced options", then click the Advanced button

  4. You should now see the "Set for all images" window:

  5. Check "Add overlay text", then click the Settings button.

  6. You should now see the "Add overlay text to image" window.

  7. Now the CREATIVE/FUN part starts.... where you can add your text, change the font, size and color, and decide where in the images to put the copyright text.
    See the Final Thoughts section at the bottom of this posting for hints about selecting overlay text parameters.
    This example is for an image that is 400pixels wide and 300 pixels high:
    Select Left bottom, increase the width to 300.
    Type text similar to "Copyright ©2008 starpooh" (use the "Append Copyright" button to get the © symbol)
    Click "Choose Font" and select Arial, size 14, color is white.

    Click OK to save the overlay text (the "Add overlay text to image" window).
    Click OK again in the "Set for all images" window

  8. You should now be back in the "Batch conversion" window:

  9. If you want your original images copied into watermarked images then check the "Batch conversion - Rename result files" radio button.
    Set the name pattern as you wish, or let it default.
    Then set the output directory.

  10. Your basic setup is now complete.


Select photos to be watermarked.
  1. Use the "Look in" section to browse to your photos. Highlight all images to be watermarked.
    Click the "Add" button to add the images to the "Input Files" section.

  2. Click the "Start Batch" button.

  3. You should now see the "Batch conversion done" window.

  4. Click Exit.

  5. Your watermarked photos are now in the output directory that you specified in the "Batch conversion" window.

Final Thoughts:

Here are examples of various IrfanView overlay parameters for various image sizes.

  1. Example#1:
    Image size: 400 x 300
    Select Left bottom, increase the width to 300. Font is Arial, bold, size 14, color is white.

  2. Example#1:
    Image size: 1024x768
    Select Left bottom, increase the width to 700, increase height to 200.
    Font is Verdana, bold, size 32 color is gray.

    click for image


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